Pranay Venkatesh's Website

Programming in Julia

I've been a julia programmer for a few years now. Initially, I was using Julia exclusively as a scripting language to automate some tasks for my research work (md_utils). After some time I discovered the JuliaMolSim community, which I've tried working with. So far, I've contributed to the Molly.jl and AtomsBase.jl packages, though I hope to contribute a lot more in the future to the ecosystem as a whole

My main contribution to this ecosystem was participating in the Julia Summer of Code 2022 programme, where I added bond and angle constraint features to the Molly.jl package.

I later worked with the Frost Group at Imperial College London, where I helped develop the group's julia codebase to work on non-adiabatic dynamics and path integral monte carlo simulations to study polarons in semiconductor materials